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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rhetorical Anlaysis of "Leadership and Management in Engineering"

Each of the articles posted on my blog the last several weeks have come from the journal, "Leadership and Management in Engineering" published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). ASCE is an organization of design professionals and educators that seek to protect the integrity of the civil engineering profession as well as promote research and development within the industry. 

One of ASCE's goals as a society is to teach and encourage the development of young leaders within the profession. The major concern is how the society approaches adapting the old master-apprentice form of training to complement new technological advances in the industry. Many of the young engineers are being instructed on how to operate the latest software and the real master's of the profession have no experience or desire to learn the new technologies. Ensuring that the next generation is equipped with leaders ready to take the profession into the future is top priority.
The articles are generally structured according to the typical style of engineering decision making process. First, the problem or question is identified. Then, the various solutions are presented along with supporting evidence. Finally, a best logical choice is selected according to good principles.

Care is taken to promote integrity and ethics in the engineering profession. These ideals are interwoven throughout each of the articles. Engineers are regarded as some of the most ethical individuals on the planet. It is this integrity that allows them to maintain the faith and confidence of the general public who rely on their decisions everyday.

Leadership is a quality that is timeless. There will always be a need for great leaders in our society. There are no qualifications to be a leader other than to be willing to lead. Though a wise leader will seek to learn the lessons of those that have gone before, not to follow in their footsteps but to use the principles they stood behind as a launching point to the next major achievement. The world is always in need of great leaders and these journal articles seek to promote those qualities of great leadership throughout the civil engineering community. 


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